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Evolving Home Automation Innovations

Labor-Saving Smart Devices Conserve Energy and Assist the Elderly and Disabled

© 2013 by Jennie Reedy; all rights reserved; content may not be copied, rewritten, or republished without written permission.

A home automation control panel; photo courtesy Jennie Reedy

A home automation control panel; photo courtesy Jennie Reedy

This article was last revised on 11/15/20.

The top capabilities of home automation help people live safer, more efficiently, and more comfortably. It also offers the distinct advantage of operating devices and changing things like thermostat settings remotely, say, when you leave from work or to go to work.

Top Capabilities of Home Automation:

  • Take advantage of increasingly modern home security systems
  • Energy conservation management
  • Assistance for the elderly and disabled
  • Robotic “help”
  • Enhanced entertainment system functionality and value

Enhanced Home Security

Perhaps the most important capability of an automated home is increased home security. Home security systems are taken to the next level with CCTV cameras, automatic email and text notifications, intelligent sensors, and more.

It seems fitting that a “smart house” should know how to look after itself. This means a specific response to a specific signal.

Benefits of Energy Conservation

Everybody forgets to turn the lights off from time to time, but an automated home WiFi light swith doesn’t.

With the house looking out for your energy conservation, you can watch both your light bill and environmental carbon footprint drop. Automatic temperature controls and motion detection lighting are a couple of ways this is accomplished.

Assisting the Elderly and Disabled

Scientists and developers are constantly looking for ways to extend and improve the quality of life for those with physical limitations such as the elderly and disabled. There are home renovation disabled guidelines to follow, some mandated by the Disabilities Act of 19901.

Home automation systems in general augment these specifications. Through the use of video monitors, alert systems, robotics, and more, these individuals are able to stay at home longer and live more independently.

Domestic Robots

While robotics technology is still a long way away from emulating Robot Rosie in The Jetsons, there are some home automation systems that can do cool things like water the plants, feed the pets, and cook dinner.

One of the most popular devices are robotic vacuums. Perhaps the area with the most awe-inspiring room for growth, domestic robotics could drastically change the way people live.

Remote Appliance Control

Remotely controlled pet feeder; photo courtesy MJN123
It is now possible to do things remotely like adjusting your HVAC thermostat, turn on exterior landscaping lighting, and preheating your oven. These tasks were previously possible over the internet.

Now however, it is possible, and infinitely more convenient, to complete these tasks using your smartphone. Check out the remote pet feeder in the photo above. It is controlled via the internet and dispenses the required amount of food and water. Fido approves.

Automation for Entertainment

This inchoate technology has the capability to both help you kick back and relax and entertain for large parties. Features such as light dimmers, home theaters, and music systems are added luxuries that improve quality of life and make a “smart house“ a popular leisure destination for both family and friends.


There is no doubt that home automation is one of the most intriguing areas of technological development today. Already its capabilities are improving the lives of families and individuals, and there is a lot of room to grow.

One question remains—what will be the long-term societal effect of this technology? Will it make us a group of jobbernowls? Will we be able to use it responsibly? One way or another, evolving home automation innovations will continue to change our lives, even for the staunchest luddites.



About the Author:

Jennie is a technology blogger residing in Georgia. Away from the computer she enjoys tending to her garden and spending time with her 3 beautiful nieces.

Visit Kelly's profile on Pinterest.

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