Author Topic: Sybil syndrome  (Read 2877 times)


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Sybil syndrome
« on: October 29, 2021, 12:42:28 PM »
The book " Sybil " about alleged case of " multiple personality disorder " is a great example of how  publicizing a mostly fake " disease " , or " condition " can result in the occurrence of widespread " victims " of said " disease " .
Within 2 years of this " true story " about a " patient " of a publicity/money seeking psychiatrist had multiple distinct personalities , the incidence of " victims " went up 500 % .

The " patient " even wrote a letter to this quack psychiatrist admitting it was all fake and made up - with the prompting and encouragement of that " doctor " .

Thisbnb is common today.
For example -
Psychiatry suddenly discovers that there are large numbers of people who are really the opposite gender than their perfectly normal biological sex .
Then declares it " normal " , " they can't help it " and then that it occurs in young children .
Then large numbers of people " discover " they are " trans " or " cisgendered " .
The gullible Left creates a " victim class " , the media and politicians demand we support this delusion and encourage mentally I'll people to go so far as permanently disfiguring surgery by quack doctors and even forces parents to support such dangerous and delusional behaviors in children
Judges , school administrators and advocacy groups demand " trans rights " .
Those who dissent are demonized .
Untold thousands , including children , are abused and encouraged to destroy their lives and their real mental issues are made worse .

Many "fake  victim groups " are created just like this .
It is truly despicable .


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