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Topics - Arnoldhho

Pages: [1]
 Good day .
I've found your platform to be very engaging and full of potential.
I would like to  place an order for advertising space for a banner at the  top section of the website , for $300 monthly.
I will  settle the payment via WebMoney, paying 50% upfront, and the remaining 50% in two weeks. Also, I'd like to ask if the link to  my web portal - would it be in any conflict with the site's theme? Thank you!
 Kindly respond  with your decision via PM or email at

General Discussion / How to change my password ??
« on: April 15, 2024, 04:28:11 PM »
 Is there a moderator available to assist with password updating? 
Where might I be mistaken? 
I'd appreciate some assistance. 
Many thanks.

General Discussion / How do I respond on ??
« on: April 10, 2024, 12:31:09 PM »
 Could someone instruct me on responding to a thread? 
Where could I be going wrong? 
I'd appreciate assistance. 
Many thanks.

 Is a moderator available? 
 I'm unable to craft the opening post. 
 With sincere appreciation.

Is it possible to reach out to Administration?
This pertains to advertising on your platform.
Thank you.

Pages: [1]