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Messages - AXLAdriene

Pages: [1]
As an experiment, I tried to get through a mission by simply running through it, with out the aid of Vector's invisibility talent. Vector's invisibility talent only made this tactic simpler and simpler. Living opponents are even worse, as they're going to simply interrupt your attack with their very own, beginning an infinite melee chain that can simply destroy you -- something that occurs extra usually than it should. You are immediately geared up along with your generic beginning gun, a number of grenades and nothing else. So, if you would like to keep utilizing that awesome gun, or want some anti-viral spray to stave off your inevitable infection, don't die. There is no power behind any of the weaponry, save for shotguns that may effectively knock a guy on his butt -- only for him to stand up and stare at you till you shoot him once more. Still, as Raccoon City began throwing out tougher enemies in better numbers, I simply used the invisibility to sneak previous everyone and get to the next checkpoint.

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